Thursday, May 31, 2007

Just 2 more days!!

Meghan will graduate in 2 days!! Wow!! How did it happen so fast? There are so many things still to do for her party! She graduates at 5:00 pm on Sat. There is three high school in Kennewick and they all have their graduation on the same day at the same place so there is ceremonies at 9:00, a 2:00 and a 5:00. We are happy Southridge is at 5:00. The way this family gets ready for things!! Okay we do get ready for church that starts at 10:45 am (9:30 in the summer). But this is different!! We usually don't do curls for church and I know at least four of the girls will want them!! Meg and Krissi will have to be ready earlier as they want to go to a pre-grad party. I am sad this is happening but also excited too and then anxious too. Meghan is standing at the door of adult hood!! I hope Patrick and I have done our jobs raising her right!! Time will tell! I think we have done our best so far. She has never done drugs, doesn't drink or smoke and hasn't gotten in trouble with any boy! So how is that for raising her right so far?

Friday, May 25, 2007

My Mother's Day

OK I know that it was a few weeks ago but I finally got the pictures uploaded in the computer. I woke up and Patrick told me to stay in bed. 30 minutes later Gabe, Liz, San, Cam, Janie and Patrick came in with breakfast!! Eggs Beni, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and juice. Yummy!!!

Liz, San and Cam made a treasure hunt for me to find my presents. Which were wonderful handmade items and coupons from them as well. I took and little nap. The girls made a cake for me and they helped him make dinner for me. What a great day it was!! Meghan and Kristin were in Vancouver with my mom and Steve visiting my Grammie. I did talk to them all that day day though!

This is what I get!!!!

I should NEVER leave the light on in the bathroom!!
I know it!! But I did!! This is what I get for it!!!
I did because after after my shower there was a bee in the house and I was getting it out.
I came back in the bathroom and this is what I saw.

I don't know why she likes opening up pads!! She does it EVERY chance she gets!!! She rips the little tab of tape off, unfolds it, drops it and goes for another one!! Kristin says that maybe she thinks they are little presents and that she will find something in one of them. So this is what I get for leaving the light on!! At least it will make a great SB page - I think though I won't have time to scrap it until she goes to school!! 'Till then I just clean up one mess after another!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I love my cell phone!! If I didn't have it I never would have got these cute photos!!

This is Cami at her first "real" (as she put it) T-Ball game. It was her jambree May 5th.
This one of Janiemarie was taken at Fred Meyer in their "car" cart. It is a little blurry because she wouldn't stay still. Just look at that SMILE!!

Here is Janie at Yokes. This is such an adorable picnic table!!


Friday, May 11, 2007

Last Saturday!

OK I have to tell you about my Saturday (May 5th). What a day that was!! I was still up at 4:00am putting curlers in my daughters hair as they are falling asleep. I was still up because I found out I had to make a few more decorations for the Mother's Day tea that was at the church. Anyway got to bed at 5:30. Got up at 7:15 to get Lizzi and Cami ready and out the door by 8:10!!

Lizzi had softball pictures at 8:15 and then a game at 9:00. Pictures ran late and game didn't start until 9:30. It was the jamboree so everyone was only playing for one hour. Cami had to get over to the pictures at 10:30 and her game was supposed to start at 11:30 and get over at 12:30. Well once again that whole thing didn't get over until 1:00! Sandra had pictures at 1:15 so I had to run home and get her. Lizzi, her friend and Cami stayed with her so I could run to the church and drop off the decorations and door prizes for the tea that starts at 2:00, but I had to stop and get three more flower pots. So I got to the church at 2:15. Oh well!! Then I wanted to see a bit of Sani's game so I rushed back across town to the ball fields. Oh Patrick now works Saturdays so he wasn't able to do some of the running. Fortunately they were running late too so I got to see most of her game. We were heading home by 3:50. One of Kristin's friends came over for me to do her hair for prom - she was there at 3:30. So I call and get the curling iron plugged in. I come in and immediately start doing hair!! Of course I had to do Meghan and Kristin's hair to do to. Got Meghan out the door by 4:45 and Kristin and her friend by 5:30. THEN I ran up the street to a cool park here that is a wonderful place to take pictures and took some of Meghan and her friends. Back to my house to take some of Kristin and her friends.

Can you guess what I did then? Well first off Patrick said lets order pizza-which was good because I think I would have fallen asleep cooking dinner. Then of course I crashed!!

This weekend there is just yard work on the list!! Yippee!! Meghan and Kristin are going to see my Gram with my mom and Steve in Vancouver WA. I would live to go too but it is their turn since they didn't go during spring break.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Prom beauties

Here is Krissi and Meg before they went to the prom last Sat. (May 5th).

Don't ya think they are pretty?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Just some cute photos!!

See how lucky I am!! Isn't she cute?!! She is so fun!! These were taken a couple of days after St. Patrick's Day.She is a little pill but she gets away with everything because she is so cute!! Right now she isn't getting much sleep-well neither am I. She is trying to cut some teeth and has a running nose. Oh well this too will pass and then I will miss it!!