Wednesday, November 7, 2007

This is why I have not had much computer time

I have been crocheting this afghan to raffle off to help with Kristin's expenses.

Hallowen Goolies!!

They are not scary goolies but goolies none the less. This little bunch went Trick or Treating downtown - the bussinesses hand out candy in front of their stores, we usually go there. Then we went to McD's for dinner then on to our nieghborhood. Lizzi's friend Ally was with us (she is the extra in the picture) and her mom. Janie did not want to be in the stroller so she walked. After all that the kids dumped out their candy on the floor like they always do. Of course Janie joined right in that too. She then decided to unwrap, lick or bite, then wrap back up a good portion of her candy! We think she was making sure that no one else would be eating her candy!!!! I don't think anyone would - my kids would rather have fruit then candy!! About three weeks ago I threw out their candy from last Halloween. Janie was going to be Mumble from the movie Happy Feet but she would not take the pumpkin sweatshirt she was wearing for the day!!! So maybe mumble next year!! Oh and Cami was a cat, Sani a witch and Gabe was a baseball player.
Lizzi the Vampiress and Ally the Mime
Janie Pumpkin and her candy
Cool pumpkins!!

Toot'n the horn again for Kristin

Her story is now in the local newspaper!!
Here is the link-

We are in count down mode!! Ugh! There are so many things still to get done before we go!!!
She is so nervous that it we won't get it all done-mainly buying the make-up and other few things we need to get like camera memory cards!!! She also has a cold!!!!!!!! Pumping her with vitamins and chicken soup and green tea!!!